Finding Your Inner Zen

So, what do we get up to when we aren’t delivering our first-class wedding fairs? Well, this week Emma and I decided to try yoga, Emma’s daughter Imogen is doing her training and we decided to join her class. It was brilliant so if you are looking for a relaxed, calming yoga teacher who is great with all abilities, including very unfit, cuddly and not very mobile people Imogen Morley is the one for you. Actually, it was very relaxing, it pushed my boundaries but also gave me some quiet zen time, just what you might need among the chaos of getting married!

Usually Sundays are filled with wedding fairs but during the summer months we have a hiatus as many really great suppliers are stacked out with work providing services for weddings or taking a well-deserved holiday.

That doesn’t mean we aren’t busy, at the moment I am visiting a lot of great new venues and revisiting some old ones to see how we can work together and bring interesting new fairs to some really great spaces. I always feel very excited when I see a new venue, imagining the opportunities it means I can bring to couples. Every venue is different and has its own unique feel so it’s good for us to have a selection of venues that we can offer, what appeals to one, won’t appeal to another.

There is also a lot of work behind the scenes, doing admin (don’t yawn), sourcing new suppliers, (this is especially good when it involves cake) and doing lots of marketing. It is quite surprising how many man hours it takes to run a successful fair. I guess a bit like planning a wedding there are peaks and troughs of busy and quieter times. Initially when you book your wedding there will be a flurry of activity of organisation, then things slow down and you take you time to really think about all those little extras that will make your wedding unique and then there is the final flurry when there aren’t enough hours in the day of preparation so that your day is perfect and that’s how our wedding fairs are too. We work up to the final minutes in order to bring you the very best fairs we can so that we can help you have the best experience not only of the fair but also at your wedding.


I guess the message in the blog really should be don’t sweat the small stuff, take some inner zen from my yoga experience and be in the moment, enjoy the planning, enjoy the big day. It is a small snap shot in the life you are planning together and we will start the journey together calmly as long as you don’t challenge me to do a downward dog!

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